News & Insights2021-02-28T18:20:30+00:00


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Risk, Presence And Growth

Not too long ago, remote working was something of a luxury enjoyed by relatively few individuals whose employers had the flexibility to enable them to work away from their offices. However, the pandemic and the continued emergence of technology have meant that it is now a generally accepted part of employment practice which is even enshrined in legislation. Whilst remote working is convenient for staff, it also has consequences which might not necessarily be acceptable for all customers. Despite changes to how, where and when companies work, we can't escape the fact that many people simply prefer doing business face-to-face

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Consumer Duty Regulations: Proportion, Premiums, Potholes And Protection

Since the summer, it has at times seemed that perceptions of the insurance industry's priorities varied widely and wildly depending on whether you worked within it or not. Many external commentators appeared preoccupied with speculation about whether the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, would increase the rate of Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) to help plug the fiscal 'black hole' which she reported having inherited from the previous Conservative administration. To a degree, they had a point. After all, the IPT was last changed in June 2017. Since then, the amount of revenue which it generates for the Treasury

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Not Breaking The Law: Managing Cyber Risk In The Legal Profession

Over the last few decades, our personal and professional lives have been transformed by the rapid development of digital technology. Its adoption has been so universal, in fact, that many of us seem to spend most of our day talking, typing, watching or listening to a number of different devices. However, convenience can lead to complacency and, in some cases, tremendous risk. The UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has recently reported that the number of data breaches in the three months to June this year was six per cent up on the same period last year. If we look a

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Direction Of Travel: Risk, Change, Challenge And Choice

Before any journey of any real length, it's always necessary to devote at least a few moments' thought to some priorities. Where are we heading and why? How do we plan to get there and how quickly do we intend to arrive? Along the way, it might even be useful to stop and check that we're on the right track. That can be particularly important to reassure those who are going with us, who we might have left behind or for those individuals who we plan to meet at our destination. Setting out or revising an intended direction of travel

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Marking Time: Owning And Protecting Designer Watches

Of all the personal possessions which we might own over the course of our lives, arguably few carry as much significance as a watch. Beyond their basic function of telling the time, they can be loaded with sentiment and status - often, for instance, being among the most cherished objects handed down to successive generations. Buying a designer watch is also a relatively common way for men and women to reward themselves for personal or professional success: a way of showing themselves and the wider world that they have achieved anything notable. Whatever the reason, watches are of value and,

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Pillar To Post: Royal Mail And The Cyber Threat

  Over the last two decades, the international delivery industry has undergone something of a paradigm shift. The advance of short-form electronic communication, such as texts, e-mails and even video calls, has led to a steep decline in the number of letters handled by national postal services around the globe. Last month, the Universal Postal Union - the United Nations' agency which co-ordinates the worldwide postal system - issued figures showing just how severe the drop has been. They detail how, in 2021, Royal Mail saw 22 per cent less mail than the year before. Royal Mail's own latest annual

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Strategy, Uncertainty…and Mike Tyson

The start of the New Year is when we traditionally set our personal and professional targets for the 12 months to come. Many readers will no doubt agree, however, that sticking to resolutions becomes progressively more difficult as the weeks and months elapse. Establishing a strategy is a key ingredient but not the entire recipe for success in itself. What is important is how a company and its preparations copes with the actual challenges placed before it Or, as the former world heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson put it, "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth".

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‘Civilisation’ And Cyber Threat: Using Data To Tackle Digital Dangers

Technology has presented us with immense benefits for our home and work lives. The most important arguably include convenience and connectivity. Tasks which once might have been costly in terms of time or expense, such as interacting with friends and family, attending meetings, shopping or watching movies, can now be completed in seconds from the comfort of our armchairs. However, being so connected to individuals and organisations who might be half a world away has its downsides too. It means that we leave a digital footprint, traces of our personal information which can be of great value to criminals. Back

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False Economy: Rising Living Costs And Cutting Insurance Cover

There's little doubt that we're in the middle of what is an extremely challenging time for many households across the UK. A combination of circumstances has hit many families squarely in the pocket. Last month, the Bank of England announced that it expected the UK to enter the longest recession in history and one which might result in half a million people losing their jobs. Two weeks later, new figures published by the House of Commons' Library revealed that rising food and energy prices meant inflation was 11 per cent higher than last year. Recession and inflation might sound relatively

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All Present And Correct: A Different Type Of Christmas Claus(e)

Although we're nearing the time of year when we crane our necks to catch sight of a certain sleigh and reindeer above snowy rooftops, we know that it's not just Santa who likes to give gifts at Christmas. In spite of economic conditions which may mean that festive spending is rather more restrained than usual, there is plenty of evidence that people are still likely to splash out on presents for friends and family. One forecast has already suggested that the cost of Christmas for UK households this year will be almost two-thirds more than 12 months ago. Some of

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Hello-Ho-Ho: Managing Risk In A Winter Wonderland

As I write, there's now less than a week until Christmas Day. For many people, it's a time to switch off and enjoy the festivities with family and friends. However, there are other individuals apart from Santa for whom the holiday period doesn't necessarily mean a chance to put their feet up. The emergency services work hard all year 'round, of course. Even so, the National Health Service (NHS) is this year preparing to use what have been described as "war rooms" during what it believes might be the busiest winter on record. Whilst the insurance industry might not be

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Final Whistle: Will Sterling’s World Cup Burglary Be Watershed Moment?

As the World Cup currently taking place in Qatar heads into the final stages, we have a little more clarity about which team will emerge as the overall winners. Some would say that's particularly welcome, given that this tournament has arguably been the strangest in the history of the competition. Before the matches began in earnest, it seemed that the event would be dominated by controversy about the fact that it was taking place in middle of the season, complaints about the choice of host country and efforts by organisers to control what players and spectators said and even wore.

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20 Questions with Andrew Thorn, Senior Underwriter

20 Questions with Andrew Thorn We sat down to talk to Senior Underwriter Andrew Thorn from Brit, London.    How do you like to start the day?  Exercising if possible, it’s great for the mind. This has reduced following baby number 2…..   What’s the best part of your job?  Delivering results, working closely with brokers, and developing and maintaining relationships. Working in a friendly, fun team.   What’s your favourite object in your office? The internet now! A nicer comfier chair compared to home.   How would your friends and family describe you in three words? Hopefully funny, caring

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‘A Day In The Life’ of Bob Eccles, Executive Loss Adjuster

Bob Eccles, Executive Loss Adjuster (Private Clients) at McLarens in Manchester tells us all about his role. "I have over 30 years of experience in the insurance industry, having worked for GAB Robins, Crawfords, and Criterion, before recently re-joining McLarens on 12th July 2021. My first working day at McLarens on Monday 12th July coincided with the London floods, and my first day on appointments was on that very Thursday. Instead of following the usual practice of spending two weeks on training courses, induction sessions and meetings with colleagues, I was literally in at the deep end seeing flood claims

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Definitely, (Not) Maybe: Cyber Insurance And Disclosure

Let's face it, the world of insurance can seem complicated to many people who don't work in it. At its best and most effective, it's a three-way process - a clear dialogue between those wanting cover, their brokers and the underwriters employed by insurers. Nevertheless, some individuals and small businesses prefer to deal directly with insurers. Given that they may not be absolutely familiar with what is entailed, there is at least the potential of problems arising. One difficulty is in relation to disclosure, the full and frank provision of information by intended policyholders to ensure that cover is appropriate.

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Are (Insurance) Friends Really Electric? AI And The Customer Experience

There's little doubt that technology has radically impacted our lives and I don't think that I'd be alone in arguing that, for the most part, it has had a beneficial effect. The pace of development shows little sign of slowing down either. It's hard to believe that less than 200 years ago, the world marvelled at the first passenger rail service. Yet in the last half-century, we've sent humans to the moon in a rocket with less processing power than one of today's mobile 'phones and made computers which slip neatly into our pockets more capable than machines which not

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That Sinking Feeling: Client Service And Subsidence

As the centuries-old saying goes, an Englishman's home is his castle. In many cases, it is also his main asset. Last month, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) detailed how the average house price in the UK was £286,397 - a rise of more than two-thirds (68.4 per cent) in the course of the last decade. It is of no small concern for Englishmen, women and children, then, for an increasing number of individuals across the country to discover that their castles are potentially built on unstable foundations. Another summer of record temperatures and prolonged periods without rain has prompted

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Resilience And Results: The Lessons Of Broadway’s First Two Years

In a sense, the end of a financial year for any business has echoes of December the 31st for the rest of the general population. It offers the opportunity to reflect on progress made and the intended direction of travel for the future. However, that consideration is usually more sober - and, hopefully, with an absence of fireworks - than New Year's Eve. As I write, Broadway has completed a second successful year since its launch. Over the last 12 months, we have seen further solid growth across all of the key indicators of our operations. The value of the

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Mind The ‘Insurance Gap’: Inflation And Adequate Cover

Having insurance cover certainly provides peace of mind. Yet the reason why we put cover in place is more than merely psychological. It means that should our loved ones, our property or our businesses experience theft, damage or death, we will either be able to repair the physical or commercial injury, or be adequately compensated for our loss. When it comes to property, for instance, an important part of that process is establishing an accurate valuation at the very outset. That ensures that you may be totally reimbursed should you have to make a claim. Should you not cover up

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Broadway Plans For Future As “Dramatic” Growth Continues

One of the country's most dynamic names in insurance broking is planning to develop client services after announcing further "dramatic" growth. Broadway Insurance Brokers has reported that the value of corporate and private assets for which it arranges cover had doubled to more than £1.25 billion during only its second year in business. Chief Executive Daniel Lloyd-John has also described how the amount of Gross Written Premiums (GWPs) generated over the course of the last 12 months had more than trebled to £4.5 million. He said that having cemented its position as the leading risk management advisor to many of

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Broadway Best In North West In High Net Worth Ranking

The founder of one of the country's most dynamic names in insurance broking has claimed top billing among the North West's risk management advisors to high net worth clients. Daniel Lloyd-John, the Chief Executive of Broadway Insurance Brokers, is one of only 18 individuals from across the UK and the only specialist based in the North West region to be recommended by the latest edition of the prestigious Spear's 500 rankings. It is the latest recognition for Mr Lloyd-John and follows his election in May as chairman of the Greater Manchester's regional committee of the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA).

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20 Questions with Lauren Winstanley

We get to know Lauren Winstanley - Private Client Executive at Broadway Insurance Brokers. How do you like to start the day? My youngest two children (twins) are 8 and they wake me every day with a hug and a smile. You can’t beat that! Then, before anything can be done, I like a nice cup of tea. What’s the best part of your job?  The people. I enjoy the diversity of the people we get to meet and build lasting relationships with. It is a privilege to be invited into homes and to get to know clients personally. What’s

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Holding Onto Your Designer Handbag

Handbags are regarded as one of the most aspirational accessories - a very visible display of someone's sense of taste and elegance. Even though some, of course, cost many thousands of pounds, the more desirable models arguably say more about their owners' contacts than the contents they hold. That's because they are so highly sought after that until recently would-be purchasers faced a six-year wait to take delivery. Their cachet means that they are now not only prized and stylish possessions. A US court case earlier this year heard evidence that one of the most wanted handbags of all -

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Cracking The Hacking Threat: The Growing Importance Of Cyber Insurance

In addition to the enormous impact which the Covid-19 pandemic had on global health, its indirect effects on the world's economy look set to be felt well into the future. Across the UK, hybrid working has become something of a 'new normal' in itself. According to the most recent figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), more than one-third of employees now split their working week between home and the office. The restrictive measures imposed by governments in different territories in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus have also had another consequence. Remote working, reduced

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The EV Insurance Revolution: How Elon Musk Is Changing The Game

Hunting for the cheapest car insurance deals has become a staple of owning a car but recent news from Elon Musk could change the game for good. In May 2022 business magnate Elon Musk made the announcement that he intended to take motor policies for his electric vehicle (EV) company Tesla, in-house. The cover was launched in March 2022 and is currently available in eight US states. Tesla will take their insurance policies in-house offering claims and underwriting service and a 60% discount on premiums. This announcement has thrown into question the future of vehicle insurance, particularly EV insurance. Musk

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Moving The Goalposts: Premier League Clubs And Covid BI Losses

The process of combatting the threat of Covid-19 has arguably been transformative for the UK. Nevertheless, after two years which seemed to present us with a number of terrible milestones, we will reach another more upbeat anniversary next month. On the 19th of July, it will be exactly one year since the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, scrapped the last of the restrictions which were put in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus. However, there remains a lingering strain on the business community and it is one which - if you pardon the pun - looks set to go into

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Write Is Might: Policies, Premiums And Plain English

Insurance is an essential and very important financial services product. Whether we're protecting our loved ones, our homes or our businesses, we all need cover to manage the risks to which we're exposed on a regular basis. Given the complex nature of some of those risks, it's perhaps understandable that policies can be rather detailed, with a considerable amount of small print. It's also to be expected that individuals who don't work in the insurance industry find the terminology a little hard to comprehend. That is something made clear by a report entitled 'The Future of Insurance' published recently by

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Sex(ism) In The City: The Insurance Industry And Inclusion

An entire generation has grown up with the idea of equality in the workplace. More than half a century, in fact, has elapsed since the passing of the Equal Pay Act in 1970, legislation which was reinforced only five years later by the Sex Discrimination Act. Yet whilst most of us have long seen no reason to distinguish between individuals because of their gender - just as we don't and shouldn't accept bias based on someone's sexual orientation, colour, religion or age - there remain those who can't to come to terms with equality. That much is clear from a

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